A message from PA Weather Action’s sponsor NRG
Even though temperatures don’t always seem like it, spring is here. As we often predict, some days we’re able to turn off the heat and open the windows; other days we need the heat to fight off a morning chill. With uncertain weather, it helps to have certainty about your electricity cost. That’s why NRG’s Choose To Give program guarantees you a fixed rate, while giving amazing local nonprofits a big financial boost to help them do their great work.
This April, NRG’s Choose to Give program celebrates its 5th anniversary. What started out as an idea to make an impact in the community has truly blossomed and far exceeded expectations. Choose to Give is a great way for customers to support nonprofits simply by doing everyday things like running their dishwasher, playing video games, and streaming their favorite shows.
Here’s how the Choose to Give program works: NRG makes a $50 contribution for every electricity customer and a $25 contribution for every natural gas customer that signs up for one of these plans. Then, each year the customer remains on the plan, NRG contributes 1% of the supply portion of the customer’s bill to that nonprofit. The program supports nonprofits across the country, including Pennsylvania-based Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philabundance, and Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence.
A few weeks ago, NRG announced that it has contributed more than $5 million to its Choose to Give nonprofit partners, with more than $2 million going to charities right here in Pennsylvania. This would not be possible if not for NRG’s generous customers who have chosen this plan. And, thanks to rules in Pennsylvania that allow for energy choice, NRG customers have choices they can’t get from utility companies.
NRG is proud to support local communities and impactful resources like PA Weather Action. Sign up today at picknrg.com/ctg and join thousands of Pennsylvanians in choosing to support local nonprofits not only this spring, but year-round.

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