A once in a lifetime event, a total solar eclipse over a large stretch of the United States, is happening on Monday. Last minute flights to locations inside the path of totality are running well over a thousand dollars. Much of Northwest PA is in the path of totality, and there has been plenty of speculation across the country over the last few weeks regarding the weather forecast. The good news is that regardless of clouds, the eclipse will still be absolutely amazing. The not so good news is that for our portion of the path here in PA, low clouds are currently expected during the time of totality.

In case you’re not entirely sure where in PA the path of totality will be, see the graphic below. The full solar eclipse begins in Erie, PA at 3:16:22 PM and ends at 3:20:05 PM on Monday April 8th, 2024.

If you were planning on traveling to Northwest PA for the eclipse, here are some alternatives:

If you’re in Western PA, we recommend going to Western Ohio.

If you’re in Central and Eastern PA, we recommend going to Watertown, NY.

See the path and timing of totality on this website! https://eclipse-explorer.smce.nasa.gov/

2024 Total Solar Eclipse Forecast (3:15 – 3:25 PM Monday April 8, 2024)

Area A: Darker and less translucent low clouds expected with a few rain showers around during total eclipse.

Area B: Lighter and semi-translucent middle clouds expected with dry conditions during total eclipse.

Area C: Light, translucent high clouds expected with dry conditions during total eclipse.

There is still room for this forecast to change, so stay tuned for an updates!

We will leave you with some motivation to travel to experience a total solar eclipse! A partial solar eclipse, which is what most of Pennsylvania will experience, is not even close to as impressive. Just do it, you won’t regret it!